The Kabbalist and the Philosopher

The Kabbalist and the Philosopher

Rav Raphael Afilalo

28,25 €
IVA incluido
Raphael Afilalo
Año de edición:
28,25 €
IVA incluido

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This book presents a fascinating dialogue between two seekers of truth and understanding of the deepest mysteries of existence - a Kabbalist, steeped in the esoteric wisdom and traditions of Jewish mysticism, and a Philosopher, representing a rational, analytical approach guided by human intellect and logic. Through their spirited exchange and debate, the profound teachings of Kabbalah are explored, questioned and ultimately validated as a true path to knowing the Divine.The dialogue format allows the core concepts and worldview of Kabbalah to unfold in an organic way, as the Philosopher raises sincere doubts and challenges that many truth-seekers grapple with. He questions how the infinite, unchanging God can be reconciled with the Kabbalistic view of dynamic divine forces manifesting as the Sefirot. He struggles to accept the personification of these divine attributes and the elaborate mythical structure of spiritual worlds and Partsufim (configurations) that populate Kabbalistic teachings. With consummate wisdom and patience, the Kabbalist addresses each point, resolving the apparent contradictions and leading the Philosopher to a deeper understanding.Importantly, the Kabbalist emphasizes that genuine Kabbalah is not just abstract metaphysical speculation, but a practical guide to living in alignment with divine will and attributes. It illuminates the inner meaning and spiritual power of the Mitsvot (religious deeds), imbuing physical existence with transcendent significance. A life devoted to G-d and goodness, with consciousness of the divine unity underlying all diversity, is the ultimate aim and expression of Kabbalistic wisdom.This work, composed by the legendary mystic and thinker Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (the Ramchal), is a rare gem of Jewish spiritual literature. It succeeds in conveying the depth, subtlety and majestic scope of Kabbalistic thought in a clear and engaging manner. The Ramchal’s luminous intellect and spiritual insight shine through every page.

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