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The Way to Spiritual Integrity

The Way to Spiritual Integrity

Rav Raphael Afilalo

30,97 €
IVA incluido
Raphael Afilalo
Año de edición:
30,97 €
IVA incluido

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The Way to Spiritual Integrity (Mesilat Yesharim) by the Ramchal, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, is a timeless classic of Jewish thought, a luminous guide to ethical and spiritual perfection. Written in the 18th century, this text remains astonishingly relevant, illuminating the path for generations of men and women in search of meaning and elevation. A true manual of personal development according to the Torah, Mesilat Yesharim invites us to an inner journey, a methodical ascent to the highest levels of holiness accessible to the human being.The Ramchal  himself embodies this constant aspiration to perfection. Born in 1707 in Padua, Italy, he distinguished himself from a young age by the breadth of his knowledge and his spiritual depth. Versed in all fields of Jewish knowledge - Tanakh, Talmud, Halakha, Kabbalah, Mussar - as well as in the sciences and philosophy of his time, he developed a unique approach to spiritual life, based on a harmonious synthesis between reason and mysticism, study and interiority, intellectual rigor and fervor. His journey was marked by misunderstanding and controversy, leading him from Italy to Amsterdam and then to the Land of Israel, where he passed away at the age of 39, leaving behind a work of astounding richness and originality.It is in this context that the writing of Mesilat Yesharim in 1738 took place. Far from being an abstract theoretical treatise, the work is eminently practical, rooted in the lived experience of man in this world. Its starting point is simple and clear: the purpose of human existence is to delight in attachment to God, and this is what we must strive for with all our might. But the way is long and strewn with obstacles, requiring method and discernment. The Ramchal  then takes us by the hand and guides us step by step on the spiritual rungs leading to holiness.

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