The Wisdom of Consciousness

The Wisdom of Consciousness

Rav Raphael Afilalo

30,92 €
IVA incluido
Raphael Afilalo
Año de edición:
30,92 €
IVA incluido

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The profound dialogue between the Soul and the Intellect, as presented in this remarkable text, delves into the very essence of Jewish faith and philosophy. This work, a masterpiece of Jewish thought, explores the fundamental principles of Judaism, grappling with the most challenging questions that have perplexed the minds of believers throughout history. The author, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, through the use of a captivating dialogue format, guides the reader on a transformative journey, addressing the complexities of God’s existence, the purpose of creation, the nature of good and evil, and the ultimate destiny of humankind.At its core, this text is a testament to the unwavering faith of the Jewish people and their relentless pursuit of truth and understanding. The Soul, representing the innate yearning for spiritual connection and enlightenment, seeks guidance from the Intellect, the embodiment of wisdom and rational inquiry. Together, they embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe and the human condition, drawing upon the rich tapestry of Jewish scriptures, rabbinic literature, and philosophical thought. The dialogue begins with an exploration of the Thirteen Principles of Faith, as articulated by the renowned Jewish philosopher Maimonides. These principles serve as the bedrock of Jewish belief, encompassing the essential tenets of God’s existence, unity, incorporeality, and eternity. The Soul and the Intellect meticulously examine each principle, providing compelling arguments and insights that strengthen the reader’s understanding and conviction in these fundamental truths.As the dialogue progresses, the text delves into the perplexing issue of theodicy - the presence of evil and suffering in a world created by a benevolent and omnipotent God. The Soul grapples with the age-old question of why the righteous suffer while the wicked prosper, seeking to reconcile this apparent injustice with the concept of divine providence. The Intellect, through a series of profound explanations and analogies, reveals the hidden wisdom behind God’s ways, emphasizing the ultimate justice that will be served and the role of evil as a preparation for a greater good.The purpose of creation and the role of humankind within the grand cosmic scheme is another central theme explored in this text. The Soul yearns to understand the reason for its existence and the ultimate goal of its earthly journey. The Intellect, drawing upon the rich tradition of Jewish thought, presents a compelling vision of God’s desire to benefit His creatures and the unique opportunity granted to human beings to perfect themselves through their own efforts. The text emphasizes the importance of repairing deficiencies, both within oneself and in the world at large, as a means of attaining closeness to God and fulfilling one’s divine purpose.

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