No Experience at the Experience Festival

No Experience at the Experience Festival

Jan Deichmohle

21,01 €
IVA incluido
Lulu Press
Año de edición:
21,01 €
IVA incluido

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  • Librería Perelló (Valencia)
  • Librería Aciertas (Toledo)
  • El AlmaZen del Alquimista (Sevilla)
  • Librería Elías (Asturias)
  • Librería Kolima (Madrid)
  • Donde los libros
  • Librería Proteo (Málaga)

In my dream I found myself in front of the metropolis, the great capital of civilisation, surrounded by a wide, flat field. Many people had flocked to see it, for it was announced that a huge host of enemy troops was approaching, a wild and powerful horde like the Huns under Attila at the end of antiquity, who wanted to destroy and conquer everything, to raze the metropolis of human civilisation to the ground... Large advertising films were projected as if from the otherworld, showing burly musclemen, strong as the mythical Hercules with arms and legs that could carry the globe like the damned Atlas of Hellenic mythology, on whose shoulders the universe rested. They stretched out their arms and shouted that they wanted to confront the dark army, as mighty as it was, and try to stop it despite its enormous superiority. Anyone who felt strong should join them. In the open field they formed a mighty hedgehog, like a Greek phalanx with long, strong spikes like huge trussed girders, which they stretched out in all directions like the spines of a coiled hedgehog...But even this advertising film was not visible everywhere, only in a few pointed bubbles in which the light and sound of the advertising strongmen spread... At first, everything seemed almost as usual; no enemy army was visible. However, light, sound and space began to focus in tunnels and swirls that wafted across the field, as if the space there was compressing into conical funnels.The evening sun shone pale over the land, but only in a circular funnel - everywhere else the sky was full black and empty as in the mouth of a black hole, where absolute black stretches not only under you, but on all sides, where no light, nothing can escape, only the light of the rapidly ageing universe falls in above in a dwindling circular disc, in which trillions of years pass during the fall through the event horizon into the singularity.I pulled up my camera to record this round disc with the light of the evening sun, not knowing whether I would ever be able to remove the images from the memory card after the fall of the metropolis and civilisation. Then I hurried back towards the metropolis to take out the memory card at home and carry it with me on my escape to somewhere. Maybe I could do something with it somewhere, sometime... The cone of light around the sun narrowed. Soon it would be black night here.

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