本書的內容包含三個題目,分別是:「怎麼增加人類全體的財富?生命的意義與留給明天的財富。」「明天是未知的嗎?生命的意義與明天的特性。」「轉型正義與生命的意義。」本書的內容將說明:人類可以為明天留下什麼,明天有什麼特性,和過程。從沒答案到有答案的過程。「先是珍惜生命,然後豐富心靈、累積財富。」這是一件簡單的事,但怎麼證明呢?本書將說明生命有意義,有人類應該追求的財富。The content of this book contains three topics, namely:'How to increase the wealth of all mankind? The meaning of life and the wealth left for tomorrow.''Is tomorrow unknown? The meaning of life and the characteristics of tomorrow.''Transitional justice and the meaning of life.'The content of this book will explain:What can mankind leave for tomorrow?What are the characteristics of tomorrow?And process.The process from no answer to answer.'First cherish life, then enrich the mind and accumulate wealth.' This is a simple matter, but how to prove it?This book will explain: Life is meaningful, and there is wealth that mankind should pursue. 3