◇序/決長◇筆者曾經遇過這樣的事:我深愛的人並不自愛。那是一件傷心的事,我想要告訴我深愛的人:「生命有意義,你應該要珍惜你自己。」但我憑什麼要對方聽我的,我憑什麼去改變別人的自由意志,對方要認為生命沒意義不可以嗎?於是筆者遇到了「為什麼你要聽我的話?」和「生命是不是真的有意義?」和「怎麼證明?」這三個題目。筆者寫了三篇論文回答這三個問題,本書的內容就是這三篇論文。一篇論文的重點應該是:一、內容是否為真。二、是否為人類帶來了新的觀念。筆者發現了大自然有法則,此事為真。以前人們認為生命沒意義,而現在生命有意義,這是新的觀念。筆者將筆者的發現以及連帶的新觀念寫成了論文,但台灣的期刊並不認為簡單的發現是論文,他們要求合乎他們的體例、他們要求引經據典的文章才叫論文,筆者對學術單位的要求感到為難。例如,筆者發現人會餓,但筆者沒辦法寫一篇幾萬字合乎體例的文章來形容人會餓,因為發現就是發現。生命的意義是很重要的題目,對人類的生活有很大的影響,雖然期刊沒有接受筆者的論文,但這依然是重要的題目,筆者還是該將這三篇論文公開發表,於是有了本書。◇Preface/Jue Chang◇The author once encountered something like this: The person I love does not love herself. That is a sad thing. I want to tell the person I love: 'Life does mean, and you should cherish yourself.' But why does the other party listen to me?What power do I have to change the free will of others?Can’t the other party think that life is meaningless?So the author encountered three questions: 'Why do you have to listen to me?' and 'Does life really have meaning?' and 'How to prove?' The author wrote three papers to answer these three questions, the content of this book is these three papers. The key points of the paper should be:1. Is the content of the paper true?2. Does the paper bring new ideas and discoveries to mankind?The author discovered that nature has laws,This is true.People used to think that life was meaningless,And now life has meaning,This is a new concept. The author wrote the author’s findings and associated new ideas into a paper, but Taiwan’s journals do not consider simple findings to be papers.They require articles that conform to their style, and they require quotations from classics to be called treatise.The author feels embarrassed by the requirements of academic units.For example, the author finds that people are hungry, but the author cannot write an article with tens of thousands of words in a proper way to describe that people are hungry, because discovery is discovery. The meaning of life is a very important topic,Has a great impact on human life.Although the journal did not accept the author’s paper,But this is still an important topic,The author should publish these three papers publicly,So there is this book. 3