Libros de ciencia ficción

Libros de ciencia ficción

En Podibooks te ofrecemos los mejores libros de ciencia ficción de cada género. Si buscas un libro que te haga soñar estás en el lugar correcto, ¡Encuentra el tuyo!

Libros de ciencia ficción espacioVer todos

Message for the Dead
Jason Anspach / Nick Cole
Survive the Future.As Legion Commander Keller attempts to coax the Republic and Black Fleet into a winner-take-all battle at the heart of the Galactic Core, Wraith uncovers secrets from Tyrus Rechs’s past. Determined to liberate his crew from the clutches of a dormant fleet controlled by a hostile AI, the soldier-turned-rogue comes face to face with the galaxy’s greatest threat...

18,82 €

Homo Cosmicus
Todor Bombov
In 1989 the Brazilian student Paulo Roberto was abducted by a 'flying saucer'. His captors are representatives of a super developed civilization inhabiting the star Cygni 61, which they call Omeron. This is civilization-parent of the terrestrial one. For an earth man such as Paulo this is a strange and completely unaccustomed world in every respect. On this planet money and sta...

13,05 €

Round the Moon
Jules Verne
Jules Verne’s classic science fiction story, which began in 'From the Earth to the Moon,' continues in this worthy sequel.Includes an introduction by literary scholar Darrell Schweitzer. ...

11,98 €

Lost in Space-Time
Lawrence Stentzel III
Pez’s senior disciple, Bodhi, gets drawn through a wormhole while prospecting in hisExpeditionary Tug Utility ship to become lost in space-time. He is accompanied by hisQuantum AI Humanoid Android, or QAISHA. Together they seek a planetary population withinterstellar travel and end up assisting a planet on the verge of biosphere collapse tomigrate to a pristine yellow sun third...

20,06 €

A Tale of the Tail of Nine Stars
Lawrence Stentzel III
For months the Tail of Nine Stars systems had been preparing a mission to the Xegachtznel Galaxy to stop the alien Vachisy Empire in its prodigious expansion, enslaving planetary populations of its own race while committing genocide on white and yellow sun human inhabited planets. The advanced race of post-humaniod Amonrahonians, who had given Om its current galaxy maps and ema...

17,61 €

Esperion. Requiem de una estrella
Óscar Lorente Espín
Los habitantes del planeta Prymus se enfrentan a una inquietante amenaza. Esperion, la estrella en torno a la cual orbita el planeta, se está apagando después de haber estado infundiendo luz y calor durante miles de millones de años. El Gran Consejo de Sabios se reúne para tomar la decisión más importante de toda la historia de Prymus. Durante la celebración del consejo, y a pe...

15,00 €

Libros de ciencia ficción adultos

  • Tales of the Green, the Black Priest
    Robert Jones
    Over 600 years have passed since the mysterious event known as the Green took over the continents, and reshaped the world. During this time, dense forests took over towns and cites, leaves the survivors cut off from each other, either because of the overgrown, torn up roads, or the aggressive, man-killing animals hiding in the dense, never-ending forests. Chaos ensued until the...
  • People of Metal-II
    Robert Snyder
    Geneticists/people of metal at the University of Nairobi conduct a centuries-long genetic engineering initiative that transforms biological Africans into an entirely new, immeasurably smarter human species. Meanwhile, the people of metal who led the Human Rescue Initiative in Africa have built human colonies on two distant planets to assure that humans survive somewhere.Colonis...

    17,74 €

  • The Evolution Gene
    Aaron Hodges
    Runaway teenager Liz wants nothing more than an ordinary life. But when she’s abducted off the streets, Liz learns her government has other plans. In a future ruled by a ruthless dictator, there’s no place for the weak, and she’s spirited away to a facility deep in the Californian mountains. There, Liz wakes in an iron cage - and she’s not alone. ...
  • Daughters of January
    E.Z. Rinsky
    Humanity has succumbed to a man-made plague. Only eleven people survive, by fleeing out to the middle of the Atlantic on a cargo ship. They’re an unlikely group of survivors: among them a middling French photographer, a frail hedge fund manager, and a manic purveyor of artisanal salad dressing. As the sailors struggle to adapt to their surreal new lives, they resort to preposte...

    11,39 €

  • The Warlock Enraged
    Christopher Stasheff
    ENEMIES AT THE GATES... AND A DEMON WITHIN. Something sinister is creeping over the northern duchy of Gramarye. Fleeing refugees carry rumors of a warlock army conquering barony after barony, invading and controlling the minds of innocent people. Rod Gallowglass, the Lord High Warlock of Gramarye, is sent to investigate, accompanied by his wife and children. Who is behind all...

    15,83 €

  • Future Apocalypse
    Barbara J Gilbert
    Paulette is finally able to begin her next adventure.She and a small group of her newfound friends begin their trek across an apocalyptic landscape to the mythical City of Technology but find themselves running and fighting for their lives during their journey.Will they survive?If so, will she find the help she needs?Meanwhile, back in the present, Greg and Susan find themselve...

    12,48 €

  • Sleepwater Static
    Kathrin Hutson
    They say home is where the heart is. Now that Sleepwater's on the run, home is just another place to hide.Wyoming’s Sleepwater chapter is on the run, hunted for their ability to spin a beat. With little time to mourn the members they’ve lost, Bernadette Manney takes the group to the one place she swore she’d never see again: the cabin in Hollywood, South Carolina. It’s remo...

    13,41 €

  • Callsign Cerberus
    Mark Ellis
    America had barely survived a nuclear and ecological holocaust. Two centuries later, a new order emerges to inflict its rule on the fortified city-states known as baronies. Beyond the walls is Terra Infernus, the hell on earth, where a fragile freedom remains.Once a fearsome warrior of the new order, Kane discovers a secret that has damned humanity since the dawn of history. Ba...
  • Teal Haven
    Randi Lee Beers
    Twenty-year-old Solana and her family cling to life in the highlands of Argentina as poisonous gas bubbles up from the ocean, creeping ever higher into the mountains and threatening the last remaining survivors of a dying world. When Solana wins a mysterious lottery that offers a safe haven for those strong enough to reach a secret location before the deadline, she must not onl...
  • After the End Has Begun
    Rick Wood
    Cia’s been keeping a secret.But she can’t keep a secret any longer.And when it comes out, the monsters will be the least of her problems...This is the sequel to the epic post-apocalyptic horror-thriller After the Devil Has Won. Experience the true depths of Cia’s battle with both monsters, and humanity... 3 ...

    12,27 €

  • After the Devil Has Won
    Rick Wood
    They are separated in the apocalypse, and she knows he will not survive. Can she get back to him before the monsters do? Or will they be lost from each other forever?Cia, a young woman in the apocalypse, is a survivor. She’s had to be to avoid the ruthless creatures and protect her autistic best friend, Boy.So when the monsters attack and they are separated, Cia is terrified. T...

    12,27 €

Libros de ciencia ficción 2021

  • Round the Moon
    Jules Verne
    Jules Verne’s classic science fiction story, which began in 'From the Earth to the Moon,' continues in this worthy sequel.Includes an introduction by literary scholar Darrell Schweitzer. ...

    11,98 €

  • El islote
    La terrible crisis de los años 20 ya estaba prácticamente olvidada. La milagrosa recuperación había sido posible gracias a la decisiva intervención de la WFCN (World Federation of Committed Nations). Salvo por una puntual e inexplicable excepción, se podría decir que la prestigiosa organización internacional había llevado la felicidad a todos los países de la Tierra. Sin embarg...
  • Dahar, el visitante del espacio
    Áureo Lara Valerio
    Los continuos avistamientos de ovnis en el cielo nocturno del desierto sonorense, sumados a la aparición de cadáveres, cuyas autopsias revelan evidentes intervenciones quirúrgicas en el cuerpo, ponen en alerta a la seguridad nacional, fuentes confiables, les advierten que personas de los distintos sectores del país están siendo suplantados por alienígenas cuyo objetivo es infil...
  • El planeta que se vio obligado a crecer hacia las nubes
    Joe Lem
    En un futuro cercano y distópico, la Tierra ha sido invadida por una extraña raza alienígena que domina los océanos. Conocidos como tibs, su tecnología acuática ha elevado el nivel del mar hasta cotas insospechadas.Lo poco que queda de la humanidad, condenada a vivir en los pisos más altos de los rascacielos y edificios que no han desaparecido tras la invasión, se ha visto obli...

    16,12 €

Mejores libros de ciencia ficción

  • En caso de avistar monstruos marinos
    Ligia María Orellana
    Simeón está de regreso en su ciudad natal, Colmenas, que está desapareciendo del mapa mientras un volcán con nombre de ballena dormita cerca de sus costas. Obviando una vaga noción de destrucción inminente, Simeón construye una rutina apacible al margen de estas amenazas; a lo mucho, planea casarse con una mujer que frecuenta la librería donde trabaja. Su serenidad se descarril...

    18,00 €

  • Lost in Space-Time
    Lawrence Stentzel III
    Pez’s senior disciple, Bodhi, gets drawn through a wormhole while prospecting in hisExpeditionary Tug Utility ship to become lost in space-time. He is accompanied by hisQuantum AI Humanoid Android, or QAISHA. Together they seek a planetary population withinterstellar travel and end up assisting a planet on the verge of biosphere collapse tomigrate to a pristine yellow sun third...

    20,06 €

  • Depart, Depart!
    Sim Kern
    When an unprecedented hurricane devastates the city of Houston, Noah Mishner finds shelter in the Dallas Mavericks’ basketball arena. Though he finds community among other queer refugees, Noah fears his trans and Jewish identities put him at risk with certain 'capital-T' Texans. His fears take form when he starts seeing visions of his great-grandfather Abe, who fled Nazi German...

    12,00 €

  • Relatos de un Futuro Pasado
    Hay momentos inexplicables. Sucesos imposibles de comprender. Un hombre abducido que aparece cincuenta años después, un fantasma en un hospital que visita a una chica, un viaje espacial a un lugar sin conocer buscando un nuevo hogar para la Humanidad, persecuciones ovni buscando la verdad, invasión de seres extraterrestres, fenómenos climatológicos desastrosos... Todo ello está...
  • Esperion. Requiem de una estrella
    Óscar Lorente Espín
    Los habitantes del planeta Prymus se enfrentan a una inquietante amenaza. Esperion, la estrella en torno a la cual orbita el planeta, se está apagando después de haber estado infundiendo luz y calor durante miles de millones de años. El Gran Consejo de Sabios se reúne para tomar la decisión más importante de toda la historia de Prymus. Durante la celebración del consejo, y a pe...

    15,00 €

  • Belters
    Greg Alldredge
    While humanity races toward the stars......They never expected to find company.The Earth is dying, fractured by conflict, pollution, and disease. Old divisions make the jump to space. Can they survive?Life spreads, as the Moon, Mars, and Ceres all become hubs for human expansion. Earth provides an ever-ready source of bodies willing to risk all for space.For the wheelchair-boun...

    14,98 €

  • The Seven
    Fred Ellis Brock
    Bill Sanders is a stolid reporter who is also a best-selling author and widower. He teams up with Morgen Remley, an elusive MUFON UFO investigator and together they aim to get at the truth.Shoe-leather and passport stamps sweep the pair along a meteoric arc…along the course exposing a durable global UFO cover-up spanning eight decades, the Justice Department, White House, intel...

    17,59 €

  • Near Space - The First Frontier
    Near Space - The First Frontier is set against a present-day background with a twist. Richard Dawson, chairman of the Clipper Group, invents a range of new technologies which have a huge impact on the world. The technologies detailed in the book: the Space Clipper, Air Train, Air Cargo, Air Ship and the Space Light Systems, all revolutionise the current state of the world by co...
  • The God Virus
    Mikael Svanström
    The mind in the machine had no name for itself and didn’t need one. All it knew was its purpose-it needed to extend, to multiply. It controlled energy production and weapon facilities. It had all been done with minimal impact to the daily lives of the meat machines, but their resource wastage was unacceptable. Once the logical world was conquered, optimisation of the biosphere ...

    11,78 €

  • The Liminal Zone
    Richard Bruce Abbott
    Selkies in Space?Nina Buraca, investigator of possible signs of alien life, has heard tales of mysterious events on Pluto’s moon Charon, where a science outpost studies extrasolar planets. Facing opposition from her colleagues, she nevertheless travels from Earth to uncover the truth. Once there, she finds herself working with a team of people who have many secrets. To make pro...

    11,66 €

  • King of Rimshire
    Donald Howell
    In a galaxy facing destruction, tyranny, and the darkest of evil, the message of Love shines as the only hope for the many worlds seeking to heal and survive. Passionately sharing that message, King Sifrus of Rimshire brings stability and wholeness wherever he travels. Not fully understood yet greatly admired, he is a man whose love for his friends and followers brings him to p...

    20,23 €

Compra los libros de ciencia ficción mejor valorados

¿Te apetece leer un libro que te transporte a otro planeta? Entonces ésta es tu sección, te ofrecemos los mejores libros para que dejes volar la imaginación y te transporten a otra galaxia. Podrás vivir las emocionantes historias que surgen en el espacio y adentrarte en ellas. Cuando empieces a leer alguno de nuestros libros no podrás parar porque te enganchará desde la primera de sus páginas. Tenemos diversas historias de diversos autores pero todas con el mismo fin, tu diversión y disfrute.

Adéntrate en el espacio y en su historia, apuesta por la ciencia ficción.

¿A qué esperas? ¡Sé el primero en leerlos!



Libros de ciencia ficción recomendados

Hemos recopilado los libros mejor valorados hasta el momento. Invierte tu tiempo libre en la lectura y ella te compensará de la mejor manera. ¿Te apetece experimentar la sensación de leer un buen libro de ciencia ficción? Este es el momento, disfrutarás, aprenderás, imaginarás y te sentirás como cuando eras niño, dejando volar tu creatividad.