Prophets and apostles have been ordained by God to vindicate, justify, and expoundthe mysteryof the Gentile Church Age as it is foretold in Holy Scripture (albeit mostly throughinferior applicationsof prophecies that were originally & ultimately intended otherwise). However, there are yet to arise prophets and apostles to vindicate, justify, and expoundthe mysteryof salvation coming to andclimaxing with the Jews(and how this relates tothemass conversion oftheGentiles). After all, this was theoriginal intentand is theultimate purposeof these prophecies. The work of God among the Gentiles, commonly calledthe Gentile Church Age, truly is anafter-thought(Rom. 11:11-25).In other words, it has been brought to birth by arepentancein Godresulting from the fall of the Jews(God in the Ways of Man). This biblical fact has certainly been justified through Scripture, but in the process of this justificationthe glory of Godin the Gentile Church Age has wrongfully eclipsedthe glory of Godin the next age.The Gentile Churchof todayhas become wise in their own conceits and boastful against the Jews (Rom. 11:25), and herein they are blinded to thesuperiorintentof the prophecies that bear witness of the Gentile Church Age in aninferior sense. Sadly, and erroneously, in the mind of a nominal Gentile theinferior fulfillmenthas eclipsedthe superior! Therefore, the Gentiles would be baffled to hear a thorough answer contrived from the Prophets responding to the question,'how much more their fulness?'(Rom. 11:12), and,'what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?'(Rom. 11:15). The Kingdom of God in the Gentile Church Age is glorious, truly, but I marvel to see itsinferiority, itsingloriousnesscompared to the glory that is to come (1 Cor. 15:35-58). I marvel to behold thisafter-thought work of God occupy so small a portion of Biblical Prophecy comparatively to theoriginal,transcending, andultimately impenitentpurpose of God being foretold throughout all ages (God in the Ways of God;Rom. 11:28-29)!