The normal enterprise of Theologythese days certainly acquiresknowledgeaboutGod. Yet, for the most part, the soul is left empty and bereft of divine life (Eph. 4:17-19).'And this islife eternal, that they mightknowThee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.'-John 17:3[Jn. 8:19.2 Thess. 1:7-10]'He that saith, IknowHim, andkeepethnot His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.'-1 John 2:4 Theologians and academics have failed to put adifferencebetween acquiringknowledgeaboutGod andpersonallyknowingGod (Jn. 17:3;1 Jn. 2:4;Titus 1:16). A lack of focusedemphasis on this vital issue has poisoned countless volumes of theology to date (Matt. 7:28-29,Mk. 1:22,Lk. 4:32,Acts 4:13,2 Cor. 4:2). Consequentially, the Priests of the LORD have failed to put adifferencebetween the clean and the unclean (Lev. 10:10,11:47,20:25,Jer. 15:19,Ezek. 22:26,44:23;2 Cor. 6:14-7:1); neither have theydiscernedbetween the living and the dead (Prov. 21:16,Matt. 15:13,Eph. 2:1,Col. 2:13,1 Tim. 5:6.Rev. 3:1).This negligenceis nothing short of murder (Acts 20:26).Eternity depends upon a real and living personal encounter with the LORD (Jer. 2:12-13). UnadulteratedTheology directs the soul into a personal encounter with God at salvation and a growingknowledgeof Godcoming with sanctification as onewalkswith God in the beauties of holiness. The true utility of the word of God humbles the soul rather than puffing it up (Heb. 4:12-13,Jer. 23:29), because only humble souls doabideandwalkwith God (Ps. 138:6,Micah 6:8,Isa. 57:15,66:2). However, when and if Theology is committed into the hands of unconverted men, the divine utility of the word of God is compromised; therefore, instead of humbling the soul, 'the knowledge of God' is puffing it up (Isa. 5:21).'...Knowledgepuffethup, butcharityedifieth. And if any manthinkthat heknowethany thing, heknowethnothing yet as he ought toknow. But if any manloveGod, the same isknownof Him.'-1Cor.