Threaded Journeys

Threaded Journeys

Threaded Journeys

Tom Johnson

21,25 €
IVA incluido
Tom Johnson
Año de edición:
Conservación del medioambiente
21,25 €
IVA incluido

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  • El AlmaZen del Alquimista (Sevilla)
  • Librería Elías (Asturias)
  • Librería Kolima (Madrid)
  • Librería Proteo (Málaga)

Threaded Journeys  is a compilation of fly fishing and bow hunting stories ‘interwoven’ with discussions on various issues regarding conservation, preservation, and healthy living.  The author, Tom Johnson, delves into topics about our blue-green planet and its resources that we must preserve.  He argues that employing the use of our natural resources while mitigating damage to the environment is our great challenge going forward.  Johnson also weaves in a dialogue about physical fitness and awareness and how a proper diet should be emphasized in our schools and implemented into our culture if we are to succeed and prosper.  “In order to grow, work and play at our fullest potential we need to educate at a new, higher level that requires taking better care of our physical and consumption needs,” notes Johnson.  “Our mental, psychological and physiological foundations will improve when we teach these bodily basics along with the ABCs.” In addition, Threaded Journeys takes its readers to Quebec to fish and hunt, onward to Montana, Wyoming, and Wisconsin to fly fish and finally travels into the wilds of Maine, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.  Each journey rewards the reader with the anticipation and fulfillment of adventure found in remote parts of North America. Tom Johnson writes, “Sportsmen tend to have a unique lens on life.  They recognize the importance of laws and regulations to preserve fish and game, while also being challenged with the hunt that may reward them with a hearty, healthy meal.  Most of all they enjoy their experience in the freedom and independence that the great outdoor frontier affords them.”   We find this with the author and his friends as they travel to Quebec to hunt on Anticosti Island and to fish on the Gaspe Peninsula.  They immerse themselves under the vast Montana sky fly casting over the rills of the Bitterroot River.  Next they tackle the likes of the Big Hole, the Madison, the Lamar and Soda Creeks found in the majestic Yellowstone National Park.  Lastly, they are met with match-the-hatch challenges on the Henry’s Fork.  Successes and follies follow them as they jumble triumph and failure, laugher and pain with sweat dripping down their foreheads as they prod up and down trails, rocks and river bends.  We learn what the Heart of the Hunter means, the treasure of Healing Waters and Getting Back Outdoors.  We share what true friends are and how they have helped shape our lives and opened greater windows for us to see through—making us a better people and stewards of our land.    3

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