The Tibetan Book of Health

The Tibetan Book of Health

The Tibetan Book of Health

Nida Chenagtsang

39,98 €
IVA incluido
SKY Press
Año de edición:
Medicina popular y salud
39,98 €
IVA incluido

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Traditional Tibetan Medicine, known as Sowa Rigpa, the ‘Science of Healing’ is one of the oldest healing traditions in existence, yet it remains fully alive and intact today. A truly holistic system of medicine that approaches the health of an individual at the levels of the physical body, energy, and mind, it has the fourfold aim of preventing illness, curing illness, extending life, and cultivating happiness. 'The Tibean Book of Health' presents a comprehensive overview of the theory and practice of Sowa Rigpa suitable both for the general public and the advanced student and practitioner of Tibetan Medicine.

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