The Illustrated Guide to Film Formats is an easy-to-read exploration of thirty-six popular and forgotten film formats. This collection begins with the Magic Lantern and concluding with DCP and IMAX Laser projection systems. In between, this book covers major developments in moving image cameras, projectors, and the medium of film. This includes classic small gauge formats like 8mm and 16mm, unusual film formats like 9.5mm and 22mm film, widescreen multi-camera configurations like Polyvision and Circle-Vision 360°, anamorphic lenses like Hypergonar and Cinemascope, and more.This guide contains 129 detailed illustrations featuring projectors, cameras, film, cartridges, and more.Along with some basic details about each format, there are some fun facts about the history of film, the context in the larger media production ecosystem, and the how and why behind their inventions.All illustrations and text are extra-large and printed in black-and-white, so the content of this book can double as posters or coloring pages!