Yvonne Corpuz was a global leader with a renowned firm headquartered in Japan when an unexpected turn in her career left her aspirations in disarray. Seeking respite, she embarked on the historic Shikoku pilgrimage, a 1,400-kilometre journey, with cherished companions Mayumi and Katsuji. Navigating the ancient route around the perimeter of Shikoku, Japan’s most mysterious island, they visited its eighty-eight temples on a rigorous eight-day drive. As Yvonne immersed herself in breathtaking landscapes, revered traditions and age-old customs, what commenced as a sojourn to escape life’s disappointments blossomed into a profound journey of the heart, guiding her on the transformative path towards inner serenity and renewal. Shikoku is a compelling account that blends the essence of pilgrimage, the beauty of self-discovery and the enduring allure of Japan’s people, culture and heritage. In this fully updated edition, stunning colour photography and illustrations accompany a lyrical narrative to offer a fully immersive experience. The result is an unforgettable and visually charming travelogue that captures the heart and imagination of the seeker and traveller in us all.