Rituals  2025

Rituals 2025

Alina Rubi

27,28 €
IVA incluido
Ediciones Rubí
Año de edición:
Magia, encantamientos y alquimia
27,28 €
IVA incluido

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  • Librería Proteo (Málaga)

If you want to attract more abundance, love, happiness and health in 2025, in this book you have the tools available. Practice these rituals to raise your energetic vibrations and transform your life this year. When you practice these rituals you will be amplifying and magnetizing prosperity. Rituals for each month, the Lunar Calendar for the year and much more. A book full of white magic, green magic, blue magic, red magic, and gold magic rituals to help you overcome obstacles, and flow with the changes of 2025. Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Rene Descartes are just a few examples of the most important scholars who believed in esotericism and practiced rituals. Many of Shakespeare’s works are delicately interwoven with magical beliefs. Sigmund Freud was notoriously superstitious, and Carl Gustav Jung made a study of magic so serious and profound that many of his detractors accused him of dabbling too much in mysticism.

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