La maravilla
Introducción 6
El imperio del Sol
Una estrella ordinaria 22
El poder de la luz del Sol 36
El Sol invisible 46
Orden a partir del caos
El Sistema Solar como mecanismo de relojería 68
Saturno: la infancia del Sistema Solar 84
Inicios violentos 106
La delgada línea azul
La exploración de la atmósfera terrestre 114
La temperatura ambiente en la Tierra 124
Un Sistema Solar tempestuoso 144
Vivos o muertos
El calor interno 162
Júpiter: el rey de los gigantes 180
Vida en la Tierra 206
¿Vida en Marte? 218
Europa: vida en el congelador 230
Índice 244
Misery loves company and the Magus is miserable.His demise, compromises all those around him or attached to him. He drags them all down by his own death sentence. It’s his alone; yet, but by the sheer weight of his height held in the Order, all below will end beyond mend. His sentence fences in all who stray his way.He makes you sign your soul away.Back in the day, every member of that cult come Order is initiated in almost the same way. Upon completion of the initiation ceremony, the initiate is surprised by the sudden presentation of a black book: crooked like a nook on whoever partook.The hook is something the Magus or the then Master of the Temple manipulatively manifests unbeknownst to the student upon entry. Writ like a permit, a wry way to comply within his watchful eye. The Master of the Temple upon completion, commits you to submit. It's done without the why within a ceremonial circle. The book is opened. The new initiate is sentenced to sign his or her soul to the script. Something surely not one of them would've done had they known beforehand this be the fee. So sneaky and snake like. Each initiate vetted in the most vulnerable venue. Each given their rue by a slew of Satanists. The devil’s due.A gripping true story of how Justim aka Saytim finds a way in and out of a Satanic cult.