Hernán Camps

70,35 €
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Mapas y atlas de viaje
70,35 €
IVA incluido

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Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: The use of electronic and other mechanized methods to exchange business transactions and other information through interconnected computers is not just a technological change but also a fundamental shift in mindset and in the way of doing business today. There are great new opportunities for the e-business, which have not yet been explored. Technology supports while does not limit the amount of opportunities but allows a whole new set of competitive advantages in a global scenario where some of the rules of the game have change, even though, the most basic principles of business remain the same. There is potential for acting globally with the support of the communications technologies. Additionally, the reduction of regulatory barriers in most of the countries stretches the limits of e-commerce around the world. However, there are still barriers such as the paying mechanisms, currencies or the fiscal and legal issues. Even though the amount of opportunities that technology provides to the market place is surprising, there is no technology that can help with out a clear idea of the business objectives to be achieved on the net. Both tourism and Web based Electronic Commerce are growing and changing rapidly. Two hundred and thirty percent increased in online holiday sales over 1997. Travel is currently the most purchased product online having surpassed computer equipment. In 1999 US$5 billion was spent at travel web sites. Research indicates this figure will increase six times to US$30 billion in 2001. Given these opportunities in the market place, this project will set the tools to stimulate the creating process, to test the idea and to work out its implications. aims to be a niche player among the online travel agencies focusing mainly on satisfying the needs of young travelers with an interest and respect towards other cultures and resorts around the world. Therefore, will not only handle res

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