History of Christianity for Kids

History of Christianity for Kids

Captivating History

21,83 €
IVA incluido
Captivating History
Año de edición:
21,83 €
IVA incluido

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  • Librería Perelló (Valencia)
  • Librería Aciertas (Toledo)
  • El AlmaZen del Alquimista (Sevilla)
  • Librería Elías (Asturias)
  • Librería Kolima (Madrid)
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  • Librería Proteo (Málaga)

Discover the Exciting History of Christianity-A Kid-Friendly Adventure!Parents, are you looking for a fun and educational way to introduce your child to the fascinating world of history? Look no further! This captivating book takes young readers on a thrilling journey through the history of Christianity, all told in easy-to-understand language. Like all other Captivating History kids’ books, this one also contains illustrations in color.Why This Book is a Must-Have for Your Child Learning About HistoryUnderstanding the past helps kids make sense of the world today. This book offers a kid-friendly exploration of how Christianity has shaped our culture and values over the centuries.What Your Child Will Discover:✝️ Who was Jesus? Learn about the life and teachings of one of history’s most influential figures.���� What is a saint? Discover the fascinating stories of people who have been called saints and why they are important.����️ The Reformation and the Church of England: Find out how one big change led to the creation of a whole new church.⚔️ The Crusades: Understand why people went to war for their beliefs and how it changed the world.����️ Surviving the Roman Empire: See how Christianity grew even when faced with great challenges.✝️ Protestantism and the pope: Learn about different branches of Christianity and the role of the pope in the church.

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