The Baptist War

The Baptist War

Captivating History

17,87 €
IVA incluido
Captivating History
Año de edición:
17,87 €
IVA incluido

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The Unforgettable Uprising: The Baptist War Discover the exciting story of the Baptist War, the biggest and most important slave rebellion in Great Britain’s Caribbean colonies. This book tells you all about the Christmas War, Sam Sharpe’s War, and the Emancipation War, explaining why it is one of the greatest slave uprisings ever. Here’s what you’ll learn: Jamaica’s Maroons: A free Afro-Jamaican community that started in slavery, won a war against the British, and stayed strong for over three hundred years Loyalist Preachers: How African American preachers, loyal to the king, left the American colonies and brought the Baptist faith to Jamaica Plantation Owners’ Hatred: Why Jamaican plantation owners hated Baptist missionaries and how a simple plan by a slave deacon for a sit-down strike shook the British Empire Sir Hans Sloane’s Legacy: How he used his wealth from slave-produced sugar to start the British Museum The Power of Reading: Why teaching slaves to read was such a big threat to the slave system Sugar’s Danger: The dangers slaves faced while making sugar Pirate Henry Morgan: The story of a pirate who was supposed to be hanged but was knighted and became lieutenant governor of Jamaica Blood Sugar Movement: How a movement started by a Quaker woman led to a boycott of slave-made sugar Escape to Freedom: The tale of a slave who escaped, pretended to be white, and joined the Coldstream Guards in England

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