Inspector Rafael Fabelo, a young police officer in Las Palmas, finds himself entangled in a perplexing investigation after the body of a Portuguese man is discovered on Triana Beach in March 1935. His early leads run cold, but when a second murder occurs in the bustling city market, the connection becomes clear. Both killings share an eerie resemblance, pointing to a dangerous link with the city’s underground world of sports betting, specifically in the vela latina sailing competitions. Fabelo, determined to unmask the killer, dives into this risky underworld, where he faces constant challenges to his reliance on conventional police work.At the same time, Fabelo is not immune to the larger forces at play in 1930s Spain. As a firm supporter of the Second Republic, his ideals clash with his father’s opposing views, pulling him deeper into the political turmoil of the era. When General Franco’s coup d’état erupts in 1936, Fabelo’s life is thrown into chaos, forcing him to make life-altering decisions. As he struggles against the rise of fascism, the unsolved betting murders from his past come back to haunt him, compelling him to confront unfinished business and his own sense of justice.