Chat by Moisés Morán is a gripping psychological thriller that plunges readers into the twisted world of Edmund, a man whose traumatic past and desire for power transform him into a ruthless serial killer. Interned by his father under sinister circumstances, Edmund’s dark evolution begins within the walls of a brutal institution.Unlike traditional thrillers, Chat reveals the identity of the killer from the start, focusing instead on the psychological cat-and-mouse game between Edmund and the investigators, Lieutenant Conrado and Inspector Fabelo. As Edmund prowls internet chat rooms, preying on unsuspecting victims, the investigators race against time to stop his reign of terror.The novel’s strength lies in its well-crafted characters and a narrative that keeps readers on edge, despite knowing the killer’s identity. Morán masterfully explores the depths of human psyche, blurring the lines between victim and predator, and building tension that leads to an unexpected and chilling conclusion.Chat is not just a suspenseful crime novel but also a deep exploration of the human condition, making it a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers and crime fiction.