Basic Buddhist Meditation

Basic Buddhist Meditation

Basic Buddhist Meditation

Brian F. Taylor / Brian FTaylor

5,55 €
IVA incluido
Universal Octopus
Año de edición:
Mente, cuerpo y espíritu: meditación y visualización
5,55 €
IVA incluido

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The aim of Buddhist Meditation is the realisation of Nibbana. Nibbana is eternal peace and happiness, free from any suffering or unsatisfactoriness. There is nothing higher or better than Nibbana. The method is similar to focusing one’s attention, minutely, on the detail of the images that appear on the cinema screen. If one can restrain oneself from being drawn into the story of the film, one comes to see that all these pictures, which succeed each other so rapidly, are none of them real; the fire is not hot, the water is not wet, the heroine is not a real girl. Becoming disenchanted with the illusion of it all, suddenly one sees the screen behind it. Clear and bright and free from distracting images. Similarly, when one becomes disenchanted with the endless flow of phenomena at the sense doors, one has a sudden direct experience of Nibbana.

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