Fully Human Fully Divine

Fully Human Fully Divine

Fully Human Fully Divine

Craig Holliday

9,43 €
IVA incluido
satori sangha
Año de edición:
Mente, cuerpo y espíritu: meditación y visualización
9,43 €
IVA incluido

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  • Librería Perelló (Valencia)
  • Librería Aciertas (Toledo)
  • El AlmaZen del Alquimista (Sevilla)
  • Librería Elías (Asturias)
  • Librería Kolima (Madrid)
  • Librería Proteo (Málaga)

There is a value in seeing how spiritual awakening and being human meet in an ordinary Life, in relationship with our partners, kids, families and friends, with our busy lives, in illness, transitions, death, careers and in every area of our lives. This book is a call to awakening and embracing and transforming our humanity. It is a radical guide to spiritual awakening in the modern world. Not written from the monastery or ashram, but from someone who has lived in the pain of samsara, from someone who after years of seeking and meditation found surrender in the depths of pain, while life was falling apart around him. Craig Holliday is both a nondual teacher and a therapist. He teaches in a way that instructs us to not run from life, but to face life head on through embracing every moment as it is. Through this absolute embracing, we are given the gift of discovering that our Beauty-our innate Divinity is right here within us; that our very humanity is the doorway to our freedom. Craig has spent 20 years intensely seeking, meditating and studying with some of the world's greatest nondual teachers. Beyond his spiritual training, he has also bridged the gap between eastern spirituality and western psychotherapy. After years of trying to transcend his humanity through meditation and spirituality, his search brought him to the study of psychology and the emphasis on working with our humanity instead of simply trying to transcend it. Through this combined work of psychology and nondual spirituality, Craig offers a seamless transmission of nondual spirituality which fully acknowledges our humanity and our overwhelming Beauty and Divinity. His work is dedicated to the discovery of our innate Divinity in every aspect of our lives. He works in a way that addresses our everyday human suffering as a doorway to our inherent freedom. Craig offers Satsang, workshops, retreats and meets with individuals from around the world via Skype. For more information about Craig visit: craigholliday.com If you want to examine with me, what it means to be awake and how to work with a huge amount of karma and egoic conditioning-read on. If you want to know how to work with repetitive difficult emotions, with anxiety and pain, with a career, kids and relationships read on. If you want to examine what life before, during and after awakening is; what enlightenment is beyond ancient mythological or a dogmatic understandings read on. If you are compelled to examine with me, what it means to be human and Divine-not in some philosophical sense, but in the context of a down to earth awakened practicality, join me in this.

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