Willpower’s Power

Willpower’s Power

Santos Omar Medrano Chura

15,27 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
15,27 €
IVA incluido

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'The Power of Willpower' is a thorough manual on creating virtuous habits and accomplishing your objectives. In addition to discussing the adversaries of willpower, such as internal and environmental barriers that can obstruct progress, the book examines the advantages of willpower, such as enhancing health, happiness, and success.The book is divided into eight sections, covering topics such as the foundations of willpower, methods for forming good habits and kicking bad ones, how to navigate challenging circumstances without getting lost, surrounding yourself with people who encourage and support you to keep going, assessing your progress, and acknowledging your accomplishments.All things considered, this book is a useful resource for anyone looking to strengthen their resolve and lead a happy life. The author offers practical methods and approaches for fostering and sustaining willpower, which can result in increased self-worth, self-assurance, and success in many facets of life.Why is willpower important, and what does it mean?The capacity to restrain one’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior in order to accomplish a long-term objective-even if it involves avoiding momentary temptations-is known as willpower. It’s a sophisticated cognitive capacity that includes controlling urges, avoiding distractions, and maintaining goal focus.Willpower is significant because it affects a wide range of areas of life, including relationships with others, business performance, and mental and physical well-being. A critical component of both personal and professional success is the capacity to establish and uphold long-term objectives, withstand temptation, and persevere in the face of difficulty.Furthermore, willpower is a talent that can be developed with repetition. The ability to withstand temptation and stay focused on long-term objectives can be strengthened with the use of particular tactics and strategies. As a result, willpower is an important trait to have at any age and can enable people to realize their greatest potential in all spheres of life.

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