Does your life feel that it’s too long, too hard, and not fair? Have you experienced hurt, betrayal, fear, failure, critical illness, tragedy, or loss of a loved one? Have you asked or thought: 'Why?' or lamented, 'If only ...' or 'Why did this happen to me ... to us?' If yes, When God Says NO is written for you.Broke and broken when two of her children died, multi-award-winning author Judith Briles had to start over ... one step, one breath, one heartbeat at a time as she wove through her a life path littered with NO. Within her inspirational memoir, she reminds YOU that you are not alone when bad times surface. They will ... they do.Despite the numerous setbacks in Judith’s life, or rather, because of them, she found the tools to help her overcome any obstacle. Resilience became part of her DNA. Discovering Your Gifts When Life Goes Wrong ... When Judith Briles’ nineteen-year-old son was accidentally drowned in an accident, she never dreamed that her terrible loss would introduce her to the four most valuable gifts she would ever receive.She shares her steps in:How to go from asking 'why' to 'why not.' How to get 'unstuck' in life.How to begin to love living once again.No one holds a monopoly on good times. Invariably, everyone comes to a point where life is miserable. At the conclusion of When God Says NO, she shares, 'Pain is inevitable ... misery is not. This is my life.' Get ready to embrace the joy of living, even when tragedy is in your midst. When God Says NO will change how you think; how you act; and your life. 3