Humanity now faces an existential crossroads of choice for this civilization’s survival. Here, Saint Germain urgently presents Weeding Your Garden, Choice and Purification, ... a Masterful solution to guide individuals through a timely, life-changing process ... leading beyond the lethal Ego-trap of a judgment-making consciousness of separation, ... into a new thinking pattern ironically opening the portal of Truth as a Divinely intended common denominator among All Humanity ... a gateway to melding Humans into ONENESS. LOVE, and UNITY. The magnitude of this individual choice for change powerfully alters One’s priorities and practice, focusing to abandon old self-defeating and toxic thinking patterns of habitual, societally endorsed judgment-making, ... shifting into an enlightened path of Observing and honoring the ’What is’ of the naked Truth, a bridge to ONENESS. Saint Germain asserts: 'Earth time is running out for this civilization! Change from separation into harmony of Oneness is mandatory to avoid collapse and reversion to the stone age. Obsessive fascination with new technologies will not save you. If your Human civilization is to survive, ... this critical shift of consciousness from combative and lethal Ego-dominated separation behavior into a lasting and harmonious consciousness of Truth and Oneness ... is an existential requirement. This choice is yours'. Allow yourself, at last, to take a life-changing forward leap of Weeding Your Garden and make this essential consciousness purification yours forever, while enjoying a bonus of personal Freedom heretofore unknown.Many Blessings, My Dear FriendsLah Rahn Ananda aka Gordon Corwin II