Walk Around the Clock With Me! Telling Time for Kids - Baby & Toddler Time Books

Walk Around the Clock With Me! Telling Time for Kids - Baby & Toddler Time Books

Walk Around the Clock With Me! Telling Time for Kids - Baby & Toddler Time Books

Baby Professor

14,40 €
IVA incluido
Speedy Publishing LLC
Año de edición:
Aprendizaje temprano: la hora y las estaciones
14,40 €
IVA incluido

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Learning to tell time is a very important concept all kids should learn. It is a basic exercise to counting, and the understanding of what numerals mean. So give the child all the help he/she needs. You can start by securing a copy of this wonderful educational book. The colors and exercises will help increase your focus and attention so he/she will be learning more about telling time!

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