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Under the Dominion of the Subconscious

Under the Dominion of the Subconscious

Luan Ferr

14,25 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
14,25 €
IVA incluido

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'Discover the hidden power that guides your actions: who is the true self?' 'The subconscious doesn’t lie: get to know the other self that controls your life.' 'Are you ready to reveal the enigma of your own subconscious?' 'The key to understanding yourself is hidden in the other self.' 'Explore the depths of the mind and discover who is really in control.''Who is the other self? Unveil the mysteries of your own subconscious.' 'Your mind holds secrets: discover the identity of the other self.' The subconscious self is one of the most powerful and mysterious forces of the human mind, silently influencing actions, emotions, and even the course of your life. This book delves into this fascinating aspect of the psyche, revealing how it is formed and how it continues to impact daily existence, often without your awareness. The work begins by exploring the relationship between the conscious self-the part of us that makes decisions and interacts with the world-and the subconscious self, which operates in the shadows, governing much of our automatic behaviors and emotional reactions. In an analogy, the conscious self is just the tip of the iceberg while the subconscious self remains hidden beneath the waters. Through a combination of theory and practice, the book presents powerful techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), visualization, and meditation, which allow the reader to reprogram the subconscious to align their actions and thoughts with their conscious goals. These techniques are explained in detail, offering practical steps to overcome limiting beliefs, fears, and self-sabotaging behavior patterns. The book also explores habit formation and how the subconscious governs them, providing valuable insights on how to create new habits that support a healthier and more successful life. The reader is guided to understand and work with subconscious emotions, recognizing their influence and learning to direct them positively. At its core, this book is a journey of self-discovery that encourages the reader to explore the depths of their mind and harmonize the conscious and subconscious self. With an accessible approach and filled with practical examples, the work offers the tools necessary to transform the subconscious from an invisible obstacle into a powerful ally in the pursuit of a more fulfilled, accomplished life aligned with our true desires and values.

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