Timothy lives a happy life with his parents and his beloved dog, Blacky. But their lives will change due to a severe storm in the distance threatens to flood their farm and destroy the corps they need to survive.That night, Timothy’s parents decided to have a sleepover in the living room and Timothy finally gets to let Blacky sleep inside with him. Everyone was sound asleep and Timothy falls asleep going into a dream along with Blacky.He wakes up to find a colored mist flowing in under their front door and the white gem rolls out of the red rock. The gem takes Timothy and Blacky on an adventure that can bring help to the family farm.With his red rock and the white gem takes the young boy and his puppy, on an adventure that dan bring help to the family farm but the danger is around the corner as they wander into an unknown dark cave.Can Timothy have faith on this journey to achieve his goal or can he do it when the rains begin and danger threatens his mission? Come along with Timothy on his adventure with The Remarkable Red Rock to help him and his beloved dog to achieve his goal.