The Author Eugenia Pace wants the age of innocence back for our children and grand children. I want to be a brave author and teach diligents. This is the beginning I want to bring morality back in the eyes of the children with their parents guidance. The reading information will inform them about who they are and how they came about in a very creative way. This is a children’s book written because there is a need to help parents guide their children into becoming responsible adults. I stated in the front of the book about the author wanting to impact the children at young age. With the help of the parents, grandparents and God this will happen. I have other books coming out soon. My work is to help guide parents and grandparents to help change the thinking of the youth about the birds and the bees. Our society says one thing and we as adults know that is not the way it is. We have to change the thinking of our children and expose them to only the good healthy side of life. As adults and parents we know what we see is in society is not relativity. We can’t live the way society portrays life on TV and billboards. That is not the way we truly can live and be happy. We must learn again to love and respect our bodies as God wants us to do. With living our life there is a lot of responsibility necessary to be happy and solvent. With Love respect also should follow. Parents can teach their children to love themselves first after God. This will help protect them from them self when they need it the most. Strength comes from within when we are taught to be strong as children it will show when they are adults.