When will nuclear war begin? It’s a question on most people’s minds. Especially today. Nuclear war seems inevitable. Since the day the atomic bomb was created all of mankind was suddenly on the verge of total annihilation. And since that day of discovery there have been many instances when nuclear war had almost been unleashed.Can the precise day when this war begins be predicted? It will be attempted here. It may be possible to determine the most likely date when nuclear war will begin by using existing data to predict this cataclysm.The findings won’t be based on religious prophecies. Nor will they be based on psychic conjurations or numerology. The predicted date for the start of nuclear destruction will be based on past events aligned with algorithmic calculations - probability factors. Is this really possible? According to the data in this book - it is!This idea of prognosticating the start of nuclear war was not a contrived one for this book. It wasn’t even an idea. The proposal came about during the writing of this book on a different topic: the history of near nuclear holocausts. The dates of these events were NOT PRE-SELECTED; they were originally selected by event type only. But then the unusual aspect of the dates was noticed and shocked all of us. They happened on the same days of the month!! Again and again. One inescapable conclusion made itself clear - these events occurred at various specific times in the past. Almost as if planned or under some direction. Orchestrated nuclear catastrophes!! This book will recount a group of near nuclear catastrophes. And, as noted, only a few select dates on which they occurred over the years continue to reappear, repeatedly. What might account for this will be examined at the end of the book. But for as yet unknown reasons, nuclear war seems more likely to occur on days numbered 9, 23, 25 and 27 than any other numbered day of the month. This will be verified by the data to follow. This is a book based on science. What is known as the frequentist model of probability measurement will be used to determine the most likely date for the beginning of nuclear war. The data used will be past events of accidental near nuclear holocausts which at that time almost triggered world war III. How this will be accomplished will be demonstrated within the pages of this book.