In the summer of 1987, Swamiji began compiling what he con-sidered to be the most important verses (ślokas) from the variousscriptures (śāstras) that he had studied throughout his life. Althoughthese verses are primarily from Kashmir Shaivite sources, Swamijialso included verses from Vedāntic texts such as the Yoga Vāsiṣtha andthe Rāmāyaṇa. Every Sunday, he would reveal the meaning of one ortwo of these verses to his devotees in Kashmir.The following year, Swamiji traveled to Nepal with his nephew,Inder Krishen Raina, to meet with John and Denise Hughes andtheir two children with the express intent of sharing these importantverses with them. He gave daily lectures, translating and explainingthe essence of these verses. We are eternally grateful to John for hisvigilance in recording Swamiji’s revelation of these special verses.During one of Swamiji’s lectures, John asked him why he had com-piled these different verses. Swamiji replied, 'I compiled these ślo-kas with the intention of sharing them with you.' When asked aboutthe references for these verses, Swamiji said, 'It is not for research. Itis for your daily recitation. Maybe sometime you will experience thesestages. Treat it as another independent book for your recitation. It willbe helpful to you in sādhana (contemplative practice).