Diesel lives a contented life with his loving family, John and Viola. Allowed to roam near the house, Diesel stumbles upon a skateboard one fateful day. With curiosity piqued, he bravely hops atop the skateboard, setting in motion a chain of events that will change his life forever.To Diesel’s surprise, he possesses an innate talent for performing gravity-defying tricks on the skateboard. News of his impressive skills spreads quickly throughout the neighborhood, enticing eager children to gather at the local park to witness Diesel’s awe-inspiring performances.But Diesel’s skateboarding adventures don’t end there. One day, his journey takes an unexpected turn as he stumbles upon a hidden underground world where animals hold their very own skateboarding championships. The vibrant underworld reveals a thrilling community where diesel crosses paths with a mischievous group of mice.These daring mice challenge Diesel to a high-stakes skateboard race, testing his skill and determination. As Diesel faces this formidable challenge, readers are taken on an exhilarating ride filled with twists, turns, and heart-pounding excitement.