Set during the British conquest of Quebec in the 18th century, this historical novel follows Captain Robert Moray, a British officer taken prisoner by the French. Through a gripping tale of political intrigue, romance, and war, Gilbert Parker vividly brings to life the tensions between French and British forces. The novel explores themes of honor, love, and power against the backdrop of a defining moment in Canadian history.Sir Horatio Gilbert George Parker, 1st Baronet PC (1862-1932) was a Canadian novelist and British politician. The best of his novels are those about the history and life of the French Canadians. Pierre and his People (1892) was followed by Mrs. Falchion (1893), The Trail of the Sword (1894), When Valmond came to Pontiac (1895), An Adventurer of Icy North (1895), and The Seats of the Mighty (1896, dramatized in 1897).