The Promise

The Promise

Jan Coffey / May McGoldrick

19,77 €
IVA incluido
Indy Pub
Año de edición:
19,77 €
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From International Bestselling Author May McGoldrick...THE PROMISEUSA Today Bestselling Prequel to the Pennington Family SeriesTO PROTECT  On a desperate journey to America, Rebecca Neville promises the dying wife of the Earl of Stanmore to raise and care for her newborn son, James. Once in the New World, Rebecca begins her new life, as a mother.TO CHERISH  Ten years later, the Earl of Stanmore learns of the fate of his family. He sends to the colonies for his young heir so he can raise him as a peer of the realm. With no intention of forsaking her vow, Rebecca returns to England with James to face a future without her beloved charge. But she must also face her tumultuous past.TO LOVE  At first glance, the formidable Stanmore sends Rebecca reeling. But beneath his coldly attractive façade and seeming indifference to his son’s plight, emotions roil. For there is more to Stanmore and his motives than meets the eye. The enigmatic lord has his own promise to keep, and a passion for Rebecca that cannot be denied.About The Promise...'McGoldrick’s gift for characterization extends from the book’s courageous heroine and wounded hero down to a fascinating cast of secondary characters, including a viperous villain and a wonderfully scheming mistress. This vibrant Georgian historical is perfect for readers who like a nice mix of history and passion.'- Booklist Review (American Library Association)If you enjoyed Belle or Bridgerton you’ll want to try this USA Today bestselling, series-starting Georgian / Regency romance novel.Great for fans of Grace Burrowes, Julia Quinn, Julie Garwood, Mary Balogh, Christi Caldwell, Julie Johnstone, Scarlett Scott, Amalie Howard, Sarah MacLean, Lisa Kleypas, Sabrina Jeffries, Eloisa James, Sophie Jordan, Grace Callaway, Tessa Dare, Erica Ridley, Mary Jo Putney, Kelly Bowen, Glynnis Campbell, Amanda Scott, Lynsay Sands, Elisa Braden, Tanya Anne Crosby, Kerrigan Byrne, Maeve Greyson, Tessa Candle, Chloe Flowers, Lucy Langton, Alexa Aston, Suzanne Enoch, Susan King, Claire Delacroix, Amy Jarecki, Maddison Michaels, Vanessa Kelly, Darcy Burke, Jess Michaels, Madeline Hunter, Philippa Gregory, or Kate Bateman.

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