The Principles of Duality

The Principles of Duality

Hermann Selchow

25,63 €
IVA incluido
Hermann Selchow
Año de edición:
Política comparada
25,63 €
IVA incluido

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  • El AlmaZen del Alquimista (Sevilla)
  • Librería Kolima (Madrid)
  • Librería Proteo (Málaga)

'Principles of Duality: The Quest for Balance in the World'Discover the profound connections of duality that shape our lives and the world we live in. In 'Principles of Duality: The Quest for Balance in the World,' the author sheds light on the eternal opposites that seem to conflict with each other, but in truth work together to achieve balance in all things.This book offers a philosophical reflection on the universal principle of duality. It explains how opposing forces such as light and darkness, order and chaos, good and evil, love and fear are not only in conflict with each other, but also depend on each other to achieve harmony and balance.Whether in nature, human relationships, or world politics, the interplay of these forces is essential to understanding and the existence of the world. 'Principles of Duality' encourages you to rethink the pursuit of balance in all areas of life and gain new perspectives on the challenges of everyday life.What you can expect:Extensive insights into the contradictions that shape our worldPhilosophical reflections on the interplay of forces and their significance for all of our livesPractical considerations and inspiration for more harmony and balanceThis book is aimed at anyone who wants to look at the world through a new, deeper lens - regardless of whether you are interested in philosophy, personal development or the realities of world events.Immerse yourself in the fascinating principles of duality and embark on a journey through the universe of balance and contradictions.Hermann Selchow

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