The Organic Home

The Organic Home

DBUGKING / Donald V. Dunham

33,12 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Métodos de jardinería especializados
33,12 €
IVA incluido

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  • El AlmaZen del Alquimista (Sevilla)
  • Librería Kolima (Madrid)
  • Librería Proteo (Málaga)

'The Organic Home' is a comprehensive and empowering guide that takes readers on a journey into the world of organic home production. From cultivating vibrant gardens to raising organic livestock, this book serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking a deeper connection to their food and a sustainable lifestyle.Key Features:A Holistic Approach: Explore every facet of organic home production, including gardening, livestock raising, food preservation, and community engagement. This book provides a holistic view of creating a self-sustaining and eco-friendly home environment.Practical Guidance: From soil testing to crop rotation, the book offers practical tips and step-by-step guidance for both beginners and experienced home growers. Learn how to maximize your garden’s potential and overcome challenges through sustainable practices.Inspiring Case Studies: Delve into real-life case studies of individuals who have successfully transformed their urban spaces into thriving organic gardens. These stories provide inspiration and actionable insights for readers looking to embark on their own homegrown journey.Seasonal Planning: Navigate the changing seasons with a detailed organic gardening calendar and checklist. Understand the optimal times for planting, harvesting, and soil maintenance, ensuring a year-round bounty of fresh, homegrown produce.Culinary Delights: Elevate your culinary experiences with a collection of delicious recipes tailored to showcase the flavors of homegrown organic produce. From garden-fresh salads to hearty roasted vegetable medleys, discover how to savor the fruits of your labor in the kitchen.Sustainability and Community: Explore the broader impact of organic home production on sustainability and community engagement. Learn about joining local gardening communities, sharing surplus produce, and advocating for sustainable practices.Expert Insights: Benefit from the wisdom of experienced gardeners, farmers, and sustainability experts. The book incorporates expert opinions, research findings, and proven methodologies to provide a well-rounded and trustworthy guide.'The Organic Home' is more than just a gardening manual; it’s a roadmap for individuals seeking a more sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice with a passion for fresh, organic food, this book will empower you to create a thriving and environmentally conscious homegrown haven.

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