Wouldn’t it be cool to call up Santa and find out what’s going on up in the North Pole? You bet it would. And thanks to pay call system you were able to call up Santa and see how the preparation for Christmas will be. It cost fifty cents a minute, but it was worth it to get the skinny from Santa and the gang. But what would happen iif you called after Christmas? What would you hear? Would you hear the real story of what it is like to live in the North Pole? Would you hear about strange ceremonies where the elves eat the reindeer? Would you hear of Santa not returning for a week after Christmas because he is carousing? And would you hear of the friendship between Mrs Claus and Krampu? Would you hear how the whole structure of this time of giving is based on the whim of ancient gods? If you are brave, and have the fifty cents a minute, you should call every day and find out what is going to happen? Will there even be a Christmas next year? And if there is, what kind of broken present will you receive under the dying tree?