This book of surrealistic ink drawings and poetic verse is an imagined retelling of the legend of Lilith With The Long Hair. Lilith, according to Jewish biblical lore, was the first wife of Adam, and was cast out of Eden for refusing to submit to Adam, instead of becoming his equal. She was then condemned by God to forever seduce mortal men in their sleep, and the products of these nocturnal unions were demons, given birth by Lilith, and consigned to populate Hell. Many men up to this day have met with their own Lilith, and the demons created by that haunting encounter will always reside in the darker corners of their memories, posing as twisted travesties of their ideal woman. The drawings within this book are attempts to give visual form to those travesties. Many will be grotesque, some may be humorous, and a few may even be beautiful. But the vividness of their character will only be as keen as one’s memory of Lilith With The Long Hair.