This book describes the author’s experiences relating to healing, prediction, and prevention of diseases that many have considered incurable, including multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerous recto-colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, and many others. Tumors in particular constitute a predictable disease if one takes into account the chronic emotional and inflammatory premises that precede and foretell them.Born from more than 30 years of the author’s experiences with electro-acupuncture, iridology, and various forms of reflexology, the science of Visology allows predicting, preventing, and curing of various types of disturbances, based on signs appearing on reflexological zones of the face. This volume also describes how to use a small and convenient silicon-based instrument (Meridian-V60) in combination with Visology to respond to the signs shown on the face.