'The ultimate Charter of Humanity, the Glorious Quran, presented with Easy English translation. The 19th section (Juz) of Quran consists of Surah Al Furqaan(Glorious Quran 25), Surah Ash-Shua’ara (Glorious Quran 26).This translation is different in many ways. A. Meanings of words to correspond to the original text as much as possible.B. Translation of the Glorious Quran, to be made easy and understandable in as simple English as possible.C. If one English word cannot do justice to the meaning of the Arabic word, more English meanings given in parenthesis to make it clear.D. Sequence of words in the translation to correspond to the original text as close as possible.E. Pronunciations of names to correspond to the original Arabic word as close as possible.F. All pronouns in the original text explained clearly. G. Meanings of the Arabic words of Glorious Quran are based on the interpretation of the Last Prophet of Allah, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon.'H. All unauthentic story telling form history and literature are excluded.