The Global Heart of Democracy presents interviews with 'ordinary' people who are already practicing paths to a deeper democracy. These are people who bring together spiritual commitment with service as local and global citizens. While it is not new that ordinary people, citizens of every country see a need and selflessly step up to make positive change, it is newsworthy that they are acting with spiritual intent, finding one another, and gaining collective momentum. They are deepening their spiritual roots and bravely taking responsibility to create positive change. They are pilgrims finding their way and lighting a path for others. You are invited to discover 14 individuals whose stories are part of the rising of a counter revolution. Their stories are rich with examples of a heart-driven democracy and are evidence of the evolving human capacity to contribute to life on earth. These pilgrims come from many places:From Audri Scott Williams whose campaign for U.S. Congress in Alabama empowered her constituents; Ahmed Shah Karimi transforming his life’s calling from Afghanistan to Berlin; Matt Regier, an artist and minister enlivening a small town in Kansas, to three members of the Ariyaratne family cultivating generations of peace and social justice in Sri Lanka. From James Offuh, a conflict mediator in Cote D-Ivoire; Jon Rasmussen, a trustworthy listener; Biswadeb Chakraborty, a musician peacemaker in West Bengal; Daisy, a thought leader in Vietnam; Audrey Lin, giving away smiles in a service economy; Elisabeth from Austria and Hasan from Syria, a match made in heaven; to Luz, a woman of light, obedient to her ancestors and spirit guides.Although a miniscule array, like sweet, smiling stars flickering in an immense cosmos of human endeavor, the selections in this book affirm the heroic journey of democracy that is growing in peoples’ hearts. I hope these sparks of light and love inspire you to look around for others who live this way and to look inside and see what is lighting up your own heart.