The Fortune-Telling Book

The Fortune-Telling Book

Raymond Buckland

52,37 €
IVA incluido
Visible Ink Press
Año de edición:
Prácticas de adivinación
52,37 €
IVA incluido

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A look at Fortune Telling and Divination from the author of Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft Best-selling Wiccan seer and gypsy mystic Raymond Buckland focused his attention on the intuitive art of prognostication in this tome. A master of his art, the late Buckland designed fortune-telling decks, read cards, and did other types of fortune telling for over fifty years. A comprehensive A-to-Z exploration of all that peers into tomorrow, The Fortune-Telling Book: The Encyclopedia of Divination and Soothsaying divines the meanings of 400 key topics relating to this oft-misunderstood, oft-consulted-upon science. Written in clear, concise language, it discusses everything from aeromancy (seeing by observing atmospheric phenomena) to zoomancy (divination by the appearance or behavior of animals) and the 398 others in between. This fascinating encyclopedia is illustrated with 100 pictures and includes a detailed index and additional reading recommendations. Packed with colorful histories, people, and significant events, The Fortune-Telling Book shows readers how to foretell their own fates. It’s sure to please fortune-telling enthusiasts, whatever their powers.

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