The Apostle Paul tells us to defend and not be ashamed of the Gospel. Jude tells us to contend for the faith. Jesus tells us to give our life for the sake of Him and the Gospel. Baptismal regeneration in the Lutheran church is a false gospel which stands in opposition to the doctrine of regeneration and Christ’s call to saving faith. This book will exegetically expound why baptismal regeneration is a false gospel and conclude with Christ’s evangelistic call to follow Him in saving faith. Martin Luther did not properly distinguish and separate water baptism and baptism with the Holy Spirit. This error has led to a misunderstanding of the baptism with the Holy Spirit which has led to a misunderstanding of regeneration which has ultimately led to an errant understanding of water baptism in salvation in the Lutheran Church. This book will highlight this fatal misunderstanding as Martin Luther erroneously replaced regeneration with baptismal regeneration by not properly separating water baptism and baptism with the Holy Spirit.'This book is a Bible saturated response within the broad Reformed tradition to the notion that regeneration may be assumed in someone having undergone the right sacramental ritual, though giving no Biblically sanctioned evidence of said regeneration. Curtis writes with the intensity and passion of someone who understands himself to have been rescued from precisely this error. In my opinion, he makes a strong Biblical case for his broadly stated position.'-Randal S. AndersonPastor of First Evangelical Free Church of Sioux Falls