Hugh Schonfield is best known for his controversial book (and the film) 'The Passover Plot' yet he was a writer of considerable scope and often composed essays or gave talks on many of his pet themes, including approaching ancient religious literature from a historical point of view. Through these studies he portrays man on a path of destiny to a Wellsian future and often calls his listener to consider the meaning of true religion.In this book we are confronted with a collection of essays which have never been put into print and which were discovered in the articles of the Mondcivitan Republic (Commonwealth of World Citizens).Although the idea of founding a virtual Republic based on the concept of a serving world nation seems far-fetched to readers today, it expressed ideas of non-violence and sharing which perhaps will one day find themselves realised in another form from which their originator envisaged.Hugh Schonfield arrived at his revelation of a Servant-People though his extensive research into Christian, Jewish and Biblical history. This becomes apparent when reading this collection of essays.It has been a purpose of the Hugh and Helene Schonfield Trust to keep these ideas alive for that future generation who will one day take up the gauntlet of finding a way of creating a better and more peaceful world for all.Schonfield‛s ideas did not fall on deaf ears and inspired many of his followers to make their own attempts of making this ancient dream a reality.I have also included an essay from Sir Anthony Brooke who was a strong supporter of Schonfield’s ideas.It is hoped that the reader will find these essays both inspiring and a source of pleasure.Stephen A. Engelking (Editor) 3