This is the continuing story of David Clarke in which he tells of his encounter with great conflicts of conscience, whilst at the Bierton Strict and Particular Baptists Church, after when he seceded, in 1984, over matters of conscience. For three years he wondered what the future held for him and wondered about the direction that he should go. This led him to severe depression, thinking that God had rejected him, and then to a desperate state of mind resulting in him turning away from God and to open sin. This is the continuing story of David’s life as told in his book , 'Converted on LSD Trip 4th Edition,' and relates the journey that led to his fall, divorce, the desperation, recovery and restoration to faith in Christ. He then tells of his encounter with so called Elders of a Christian Church who wished to appoint women as elders, and of his subsequent actions, and writing an account in his book Mary, Mary Quite Contrary.He tells of the good news he received in 1998 of his brother Michael and his conversion from crime to Christ, that took place 5 years into a 16-year prison sentence, in the Philippines. This was 30 years after David’s own conversion from crime to Christ, which was the moving factor behind publishing his book, 'Converted on LSD Trip.' David believes this book will be very useful for people who too may have turned from God, in unbelief, and of the road of recovery, to any of all ages who wish to see the hand of God at work and in particular for those learning the Christian faith.