The dead will all vote is the title of a play which represents living scenes retracing the schemes that the powers in Africa, and particularly in the Congo, practice to achieve their ends. The example taken by the play is that of a presidential campaign where the main character, Nzambi, seeks to be re-elected, but the polls indicate him as the future loser. And as all means are good for those who govern, he uses them to win, which is why he attacks the dead so that they can fulfill their duty as citizens...In this piece, Kamanda reaffirms his continuity in the denunciation of unhealthy practices which continue to transform the African experience into a permanent tragedy. This is why, with the help of allegory, he uses an atypical writing, where the real is mixed with the virtual with a mixture of the natural and the supernatural to show, certainly, that the codes of ethics are no longer of much use. just as limits no longer exist in human thought.Kheira MERINE