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The BRICS Awakening Kazan 2024 New Developments and Western Reactions

The BRICS Awakening Kazan 2024 New Developments and Western Reactions

Hermann Selchow

19,05 €
IVA incluido
Hermann Selchow
Año de edición:
19,05 €
IVA incluido

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The BRICS Awakening Kazan 2024 - New Developments and Western ReactionsIn the context of the current geopolitical upheavals and economic realignments, the book *'The BRICS Awakening Kazan 2024 - New Developments and Western Reactions'* presents up-to-date, in-depth insights into the growing importance of the BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) on the world stage. The chapters examine step by step the BRICS meeting in Kazan 2024 as a key moment that sets the strategic course for a multipolar world order.Why should you read this book?Learn how the BRICS countries are intensifying their economic and political cooperation and forming a real alternative to the Western-dominated world order.Discover how the BRICS Bank, plans for de-dollarization and a possible new BRICS currency could fundamentally change global trade.See how the West is responding to these challenges and what these developments mean for geopolitical stability.Who is this book for?Whether you are an economic expert, student, journalist or simply interested in politics - the BRICS Departure to Kazan 2024 offers you a deep understanding and a new perspective on one of the most dynamic geopolitical developments of our time.The author guides readers through the key developments that are shaping this alliance and sheds light on how this cooperation will have a lasting impact not only on globalization but also on the role of the West. 'The BRICS Departure Kazan 2024' covers the economic, political and social dimensions of this dynamic process and analyzes the reactions of Western states to the realignment of power and trade structures.This book is aimed at those interested in politics, economic experts and all readers who want to gain a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges of a new world order. With well-founded analyses and a look into the future, this work offers an indispensable basis for all those who want to understand and help shape the global changes of our time.Hermann Selchow

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