The Altruistic Edge

The Altruistic Edge

Dan Desmarques

16,22 €
IVA incluido
Indy Pub
Año de edición:
Ética y filosofía moral
16,22 €
IVA incluido

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In a world increasingly driven by selfishness, greed, and fear, The Altruistic Edge: Succeeding by Putting Others First offers a transformative perspective on how true success and societal progress can be achieved through empathy, compassion, and altruism. Diving deep into the moral and psychological underpinnings of human behavior, this book explores how fear and selfishness lead to societal decay, while altruism and empathy pave the way for a more just and prosperous world. The book begins by examining the pervasive influence of fear in our lives and its detrimental effects on empathy and moral development. It argues that fear, often used as a tool of social control, perpetuates discrimination, inequality, and economic stagnation. In contrast, societies that embrace empathy are more likely to thrive economically and socially. Some key themes include- Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: The book explores the importance of empathy and emotional intelligence (EQ) in fostering a cohesive and resilient society. It discusses how low EQ and high levels of narcissism and psychopathy contribute to antisocial behavior and societal decline.- Altruism as a Path to Success: The book makes a compelling case for altruism as a key to personal and societal success. It discusses how altruistic individuals, with their long-term perspective and broader view of life, contribute to the collective well-being and progress of society.- Moral development: Based on Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, the book outlines how individuals and societies can move from selfish, fear-driven behavior to higher levels of moral reasoning and altruistic action.- The role of leadership: The book emphasizes the need for leaders with high moral standards and altruistic motivations. It critiques the current state of leadership, often dominated by selfish and psychopathic individuals, and calls for a shift toward more empathetic and morally developed leaders.More than a theoretical exploration, The Altruistic Edge offers practical insights and strategies for fostering empathy, cooperation, and prosocial behavior in individuals and societies. It challenges readers to rethink their own motivations and actions, and encourages a shift from self-preservation to collective well-being. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in personal development, leadership, psychology, and social change. Whether you are a leader looking to inspire your team, an educator seeking to foster moral development in students, or an individual striving for personal growth, The Altruistic Edge provides the knowledge and tools to make a meaningful difference.At a time when the world seems increasingly divided and driven by fear, The Altruistic Edge: Succeeding by Putting Others First offers a beacon of hope. It shows that by embracing empathy and altruism, we can create a more just, prosperous, and harmonious world. Join the author on this transformative journey and discover the true power of putting others first.

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