The Alarming Side Effects of Books and Other TalesHere we are introduced to an unusual and eccentric cast of characters, in an entertaining anthology of stories.Meet a wraith with a penchant for cotton candy in, The Story Catcher. Then, in Mrs. Lemon’s Haunting, we meet a happily undead group of ghosts that haunt a peculiar piece of real estate.In The Houses of Bell Street, we find Jakob, a foster boy who discovers magic and tragedy across the highway.Then, we’re all invited to a doomed couple’s last supper on the night before their divorce in Romantic Comedy.What can happen when your head is full of too many novels? Find out in The Alarming Side Effect of Books.Pay a visit to an unusual but thriving business, and meet the shopkeepers who own it in, The Department Store of Lost Souls.And finally, In Dear Lottie, small boy with an antique plane attempts to help a World War I pilot return home to his wife.It’s a magical collection of stories that you’re sure to love.