Spiritbound is the story of Rose, servant of the god of the undertakers, and Spider, a temporarily flesh-deficient thief. When confronted with a ghost she can’t just see but also touch, Rose has to decide if destroying her lonely, nomadic life to restore him to his body is worth the reward, and Spider has to consider whether he can justify keeping his new lover around, or if his secret will put her in danger.When Spider tells Rose he’s not truly dead, she’s skeptical at first, particularly since he claims his body is in the most dangerous mountain range in the kingdom. It would be a risk to take him there, and could be a trap. Until she has more answers she just can’t say yes, and the spectral thief is not exactly being forthcoming. Yet Spider won’t leave, and, unlike everyone else, seems completely unperturbed by her status as one of Cynyr’s Children, more colloquially known as corpse talkers. Spider needs her, and he’s willing to do just about anything to get her to help him, including serving the needs of her body.